Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Snowboarding on the Decline?

Is Snowboarding Declining?

The real issue is that snowboarding is A LOT harder to learn than skiing. The addage "Skiing is easy to learn but hard to get good at -- Snowboarding is hard to learn but easy to get good at" is true. I was a life-long skier that learned to snowboard a few years ago. Learning to snowboard means accepting those 100 falls before you can even begin to move with some control. And those are those extremely hard and painful caught-an-edge-slammed-to-the-ground-and-couldn't-catch-myself type falls, that most -- except for some teenagers -- just won't put up with. Eventually, I found that once I could control those edges, it was just a matter of repetition. The more reps, the faster I progressed. I boarded 60+ times last season, and now I look forward to screaming down those black diamond runs and launching gap jumps. Still, it ends up being much easier on skis -- but I just happen to enjoy the surf-like floating feeling you get from riding a snowboard...

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The REAL Rules of the Mountain

Here's the REAL rules of the mountain:
1. Yield to the hosers downhill from you. Yes, everyone going slower than you is an idiot and everyone going faster a maniac, but all you have to do is not run over anyone in front of you.
2. Don't stand on my f*ing snowboard (or skis as the case may be) in the lift line. If you do you're going to get thumped.
3. If you drink or 420 and ski you're not only risking your neck but mine. Save it for the après ski.
4. Help some one that's learning (find the chalet, pick up their yard sale or stand up after falling). If you don't you're a loser.
5. Ski racers are mostly dicks and will do everything to cut in front of you in the lift line to get one more lap.  Accept it with a Danny Davis smirk and palms up WTF and say "nice tights"...
6. Powder stashes are way more fun with friends.
7. You can have just as much fun with skis from the fall swap and a Carhart jacket as you can with a Descente gold lamay jumpsuit. this aint Chamonix people, act accordingly.
8. Remember the bumper sticker "Keep Skiing Weird"? Moral:  Who ever has the most fun wins...  ;-)