Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 With over 50% Positivity Rates, it's obvious we need to do more COVID-19 testing here in South Dakota.  Testing, tracing and quarantining -- you know "SCIENCE"! I recently saw a post questioning why South and North Dakota are not one state (to try to eliminate one set of two senators -- ie. Republican senators). One person commented join the two states together and call them "Dumbfukistan". Considering our leadership (Kristi Noem), I guess I can't argue with his logic...

Not wearing a mask in public is like drinking and driving drunk. No regard for others. I guess the dumba$$ logic is: "Well, I haven't killed anyone yet, and I've been driving drunk almost every day since March and nothing's happened to me , so I guess it's okay". Wear the damn mask!

Overall, America is seeing 35 cases per 100,000 people as of November 9. South Dakota, meanwhile, has 137 per 100,000, and North Dakota has 177 per 100,000. The Dakotas were the first two states in the US to surpass 100 cases per 100,000 people. Using science, means understanding and using statistics Kristi. With positivity rates above 50%, that also means MORE TESTING, TRACING, AND QUARANTINING. You know, your original plan a "TARGETED APPROACH" that you seem to have forgot...!!!

NOTE: Positivity Rate is used by experts to gauge testing capacity, is more than 16 percent for North Dakota. In South Dakota, it’s an astonishing 54 percent. The recommended maximum is 5 percent. That suggests that, if anything, testing in the Dakotas is still missing a lot of cases, and each state’s outbreak is even worse than the official figures indicate.